
All command information for Levely including examples with arugments and screenshots.

View all the levely bot's commands

Setup Command

Configure the necessary settings for Levely to function in your discord guild.

Get a link to invite Levely to your discord guild.

Get latency of Levely.

Recieve an invite link to Levely's support discord.

Get information about the channel you're currently viewing.

Get information and stats about the discord guild you're currently viewing.

Choose whether you want Levely to collect data or anonymize it.

Get a link to upvote Levely on discord bot listings.

View a list of available rewards for levels in the currently discord guild.

View your own profile or mention someone to view theirs.

Choose whether you want Levely to collect data or anonymize it.

Settings Command

Change the levely settings to your servers likings.

Manage Progression Command

Choose whether you want Levely to collect data or anonymize it.

Import Command

Import old data from previous leveling discord bots.